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Portrait de Louis-Michel Le Peletier de Saint Fargeau (1760-1793), conventionnel..., c1793. Creator: Jean-Franois Garnerey.
Portrait de Mademoiselle Maillard (Marie-Thérèse Davoux, 1766-1818, dite), chanteuse à l'Opéra,c1790 Creator: Jean-Franois Garnerey.
Portrait of Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet (1743-1794)..., c1743-1794. Creator: Unknown.
Marat assassiné, c1794. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait de Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793), homme politique, c1793. Creator: Joseph Boze.
La Violation des caveaux des rois dans la basilique de Saint-Denis, en octobre 1793, c1793. Creator: Hubert Robert.
Corridor de la prison Saint-Lazare vers 1794, c1794. Creator: Hubert Robert.
Le Ravitaillement des prisonniers à la prison de Saint-Lazare, c1794. Creator: Hubert Robert.
La chapelle de la Sorbonne avecla voûte de la nef effondrée, c1800. Creator: Hubert Robert.
Pillage d'une église pendant la Révolution, c1793. Creator: Jacques François Joseph Swebach-Desfontaines.
Effigy medallion of Le Peletier, Marat, Chalier and Bara, 1793. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of Camille Desmoulins (1760-1794), publicist and politician, c1790. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of Charlotte Corday (1768-1793) in the moment after she assassinated Marat, c1793. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of Citizen Hesmart, cloth merchant and soldier, before a bust of Gluck, 1794. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of Georges Danton (1759-1794), speaker and politician, c1790. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793), publicist and politician, c1793. Creator: Unknown.
The Temple Dungeon, around 1795, c1795. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of Marie-Antoinette at the temple, c1815. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of Madame Hamelin, born Fortunee Lormier-Lagrave (1776-1851), 1798. Creator: Andrea Appiani.
Execution of Louis XVI, January 21, 1793. Creator: Charles Benazech.
Portrait of Adelaide Binart, wife of Lenoir (1769-1832), painter, c1796. Creator: Marie-Genevieve Bouliard.
Portrait of Alexandre Lenoir (1762-1839), founder of the Museum of French Monuments, c1796. Creator: Marie-Genevieve Bouliard.
Capital execution, Place de la Revolution, c1793. Creator: Pierre-Antoine Demachy.
Celebration of Unity and Reunion, on Place de la Revolution, c1793. Creator: Pierre-Antoine Demachy.
Demolition of Saint-Barthelemy church, c1791. Creator: Pierre-Antoine Demachy.
Demolition of Saint-Jean-en-Greve church in 1800. Creator: Pierre-Antoine Demachy.
Exhibition of Pierre Nicolas Perrin in Place de la Revolution, 29 vendemiaire, year II, c1793. Creator: Pierre-Antoine Demachy.
Fete de l'Etre supreme, (Festival of the Supreme Being) in Champ-de-Mars, c1794. Creator: Pierre-Antoine Demachy.
Allegory: People of the World Paying Homage to the Supreme Being, c1794. Creator: Jean-Jacques Forty.
Marat's funeral, at Cordeliers church, July 15 and 16, 1793. Creator: Fougeat.
Joseph Chalier (1747-1793), politician, "martyr of Liberty", c1793. Creator: Jean-Franois Garnerey.
Louis XVII separated from his mother, July 3, 1793, 1795. Creator: Jean-Jacques Hauer.
Louis XVI's farewell to his family, January 20, 1793, 1794. Creator: Jean-Jacques Hauer.
Portrait of Louis XVII (1785-1795), at Temple prison, 1793. Creator: Joseph-Marie Vien the Elder.
Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793) at the temple, c1793. Creator: Unknown.
Recreation for prisoners in Saint-Lazare: the ball game, c1794. Creator: Unknown.